Why Having A Blog Will Improve Your SEO

6 Reasons Why Having a Blog Will Improve your SEO

The concept of blogging has evolved tremendously alongside the evolution of the Internet. These days, organizations that have a blog on their site, receive 67% more leads each month, over companies that don’t have a blog (DemandMetric). Why does blogging make such a difference in your SEO efforts?

Well, a blog (also called weblog) is an online publication that contains text, images, video, audio, or any combination thereof, in which entries are posted on a regular basis, usually daily or weekly. Blogs can be used for personal expression, news reporting, commentary, reviews, humor, satire, or other purposes. A blog is a great way to keep visitors engaged and interested in what you’re doing. Here are 6 reasons why you should have a blog on your site

1. To Help you Rank

Blog posts help search engines find new pages on your site, which means they’ll be able to index them faster. If you want to rank higher for certain keywords, then having a blog on your site is essential for your SEO strategy. Your blog is full of original content, and you can fill it with target keywords and search terms that will help you get to the first spot on the Google Search results page. Beware of keyword stuffing, which is jamming in too many SEO keywords into your blog article, as Google will dock you for that. Having high-quality content on your blog can get your organic search results to the top of Google’s search engine algorithms.

2. To Be More Trustworthy

Domain Authority (DA) is Google’s way of determining how trustworthy you and your site are. A high DA means that the owner of the domain has done some work to make their site reputable, such as blogging about valuable content on a regular basis. By being an expert or thought leader who regularly creates content regarding a specific industry, you become more trustworthy, and Google will rank you higher for customers searching for relevant keywords related to your industry. The more trustworthy you are, the easier it is to secure client conversions and spend time further developing your robust content strategy.

Reasons Why Having A Blog Will Improve Your SEO

3. To Start Getting High-Quality Backlinks

Link building is the practice of increasing incoming links to your site, with the goal of improving organic rankings. Backlinks are links that point directly to your website. When someone has inbound links to your website, Google sees how popular your page is and ranks it accordingly. The more blog pages you have (and the more authoritative content), the more likely you are to have a piece of content that someone else wants to share through an external link onto their own site (or blog). Don’t forget how important internal links are, too! Start searching for keyword phrases and keyword terms related to your industry, and see who’s already creating online content on credible sites, so that you can find relevant links for your own content creation.

4. To Satisfy Google

Google is the biggest search engine out there. The first thing Google looks at when ranking websites is content. If you have relevant content on your website, then people will find you easily and your search engine rankings will be higher. You should write unique articles and blog posts that answer questions and solve problems. Plus, Google loves blogs. In fact, they love them so much that they actually give higher rankings and more search volume to sites that have blogs than those without. So, if you want higher search rankings in the results and the ability to reach a broader audience, make sure you have a blog with fresh content.

5. To Reach your Ideal Reader

Your blog is a great place to share information about yourself and what you do for your target audience or ideal client. Blogging gives you a chance to tell stories. Stories help people relate to you and your brand. Plus, they allow you to show off your personality and expertise. A blog lets you connect your helpful content to others, and gives you a window to nurture their customer journey. Having long-tail keywords optimized within your blog content, will help make sure that customers who Google Search for you, will find your blog article. By writing about your passion, you’ll open yourself up to potential customers, and this organic search traffic is free, making it all the easier to achieve your marketing goals.

6. To Have the Strongest SEO Out There

Blogs are a huge opportunity to improve SEO. When you write content for your site (and your target audience), you’re telling Google that you’ve got something worth indexing. And when you link back to other pages on your site, you’re letting Google know that you’ve got valuable information for readers on those pages, which boosts your search engine rankings. Beyond the overall positive user experience of being able to peruse your blogs, having a strong SEO marketing blog strategy, is the best way to boost conversions.

Having good SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is how your customers are going to find you when they go into Google to start their search. Good SEO takes time to build, but your blog is yours to create, and you can use it however you like for your marketing efforts. You can use it to promote your business, build relationships, and even get some free traffic. If you have a website, then you already have a blog. Start blogging today, so that you can boost your SEO, and get more leads to your business. And if you’re not sure where to start, X3 Marketing Group can help you dominate your competition online, as your partner in digital strategy search engine optimization.